Friday, October 27, 2006

One man's trash is another man's treasure!

After a few cancellations of having a yard sale with some of my girlfriends, my good friend Moriah would not allow me to back out of the latest suggested date! She can attest that I called her about six times/hour on one day, and I tried to convince her that the 20% chance of rain was just too high! Well, thank the Lord that she's a tough cookie...she did not back down, and we did have our yard sale! After a bitterly cold start, I actually got a sunburn along with a very successful yard sale story! Woohoo! Our newspaper ad said that the sale was from 8-2, but we had customers for a steady 11 hours...from 7-6! We had customers' stopping by the house before the sun came up and asking if they could shop before we finished setting up! We are so thankful to be rid of some things that were clutter to us but a blessing to another!
Again, woohoo!

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