Last Friday, our family and some dear friends had the honor of attending the 145th Anniversary of the Battle of Chickamauga. It was such a fun, exhilarating day! There was not a cloud in the sky and also a gentle, cool breeze in the air! We had the best day, but I'm afraid that we all received a full month's worth of Vitamin D in one day (hence the "not a cloud in the sky")!
When we first arrived, we checked in and then listened to a brief lecture by the Port Columbus National Civil War Naval Museum from Columbus, GA. Their exhibit was so educational on 'technology' of the time with the ironclad ships and other various weapons used by the Union and Confederate navies. We'd love to go see their museum one day...
we're coming to see you, Ivey!
Then we went through security (somehow there was even a metal detector out in the middle of the field) to have an opportunity to hear VP Dick Cheney deliver a great speech! There were lots of secret service agents...they even had something to do when the largest part of the stage fell prior to Cheney taking the stage. And the color guard from The Citadel was there as well!
Paying tribute to his great grandfather, Samuel Fletcher Cheney, who was a Union soldier (e'hem), Cheney spoke a very moving speech, reminding everyone that in just 48 hours, 145 years ago (to the hour!) the battles fought at Chickamauga were the second (next to Gettysburg) bloodiest battles fought in the Civil War. He and his family were then presented a beautiful, commissioned painting of his grandfather in full uniform on horseback.
Here you can read a great report by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
After Cheney's moving speech, Labronda and I just sat on the ground and rested while the daddies took the kids to see more/take more photos! (Shayne took much better photos than my little camera ever could, so as soon as I get the CD of photos he made us, I'll post them...they're really good!)
Cricket striking up a conversation between her, her 'friends' and World War II Medal of Honor recipient Charles Coolidge!
This is what we call a 'field trip'!
A line of canons that were occasionally fired during the day. The canon closest was actually used during the battles of Chickamauga.
There was lots of shopping to be done on sutlers row for various period wares... and all of the foods and drinks were 'period' as well. All of the drinks were sold in beautiful glass bottles with either corks or bottle stoppers. For the bottle that the girls and I selected, it was initially $6 and $1 for each refill.
Not knowing that there was going to be so much to purchase for food and drinks, we all had brought coolers with us, so we headed back to the cars and 'tailgated' before gaining more energy to head back and do some more exploring and shopping before the battle re-enactments. I have no photos of that fun...perhaps, I was too know to actually stand up and get my camera. ;)
After our picnic, we took some time to walk through the camps...Cricket enjoyed speaking to each and every re-enactor. All (except General Longstreet who acted as if he were conducting strategic business) were more than kind to converse with her...although we weren't always certain if we were speaking to the person or the re-enactor.
This kind lady even invited us to come back later that evening for fried apple pies, baked beans and coffee. We all found it interesting the way the ladies would step on the inside of their skirt hem to avoid their dress swinging into the fire.
This was a yard goods shop that Labronda, Cricket and I really enjoyed.
This store clerk (I was actually taking a picture of his sign...not him!) reminded me of Nels Oleson...very kind but of few words. But Cricket had him crackin' up with her going on and on about this and that!
The girls with the fans that Shayne bought for them. Thank you, Mr. Shayne!
Tressie literally tried on every, single hat that was sold in this booth and checked herself out in the little mirror.
Macy, of course, shopping for shoes! And we did find some that would be perfect for the ball in November! Hmmm...I'm thinking that these fine fellas aren't shopping for us gals...I think they're in the market for some well-deserved shade!
I just had to take this photo of Eric with his camping chair, pink backpack and a bottle of somethin''d been a long day for this fella that thought he'd marry a woman that wasn't still carrying a grudge against the north and that would give him lots of boys! "Bless his heart!"
Tressie enjoying a swig of yummy sassafras fizz!
Macy and Savannah, truly two lovely Southern belles!
Again, Shayne took much better photos so when I get them, I'll be sure to post some of them...but until then, here are a couple of photos that I was proud to have taken!
It was such an amazing day!!!
Such a lovely day that we hated to go home!
But rest assured, the South will rise again!