Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Some new books!

Today the girls and I went to a used curriculum/book sale...my first ever...and it was a lot of fun! Earlier this month I reserved a table for my girlfriend Betsy and me, and this morning I called Bets to chick'n out since I wasn't feeling very well, but she convinced me to go...and I'm so glad that she did! Thanks, Bets!

We set up our table (she had five crates of books to sell, and I had one itty-bitty basket!), and she ran off to shop around a little while I stayed and got our kids set-up watching a DVD on the laptop...then we switched; I walked around a little and did some shopping while she stayed with the kiddos!

All in all, it was a great experience...I purchased some REALLY great new books, and she and I sold a few things as well! Bets sold much more than I did...I sold all of a quarter's worth. Yes, that's right...$.25! But I'm very satisfied with my earnings, for this was the first time I had ever been to a used curriculum/book sale, so I had no idea of what to expect! It was wonderful!

First of all, it was great running into friends that I haven't seen in a while, and it was great shopping around in a comfortable atmosphere...a lot of the homeschooling kids had little sales tables set up...it was so cute! And I have to say how proud of Macy I am...she found several books and things that she wanted...and she became quite the bargainer! She paid 'full-price' ($.50) for a hard-back book of Gone Away Lake by Elizabeth Enright (one of her favorite books that her Aunt Jan gave her for Christmas in paperback...she evidently needs two copies!), and then she paid $5 for two hard-back Nancy Drew's priced at $3/piece; and she was thrilled when my friend Jackie sold her a set of red-rhinestoned stapler and computer mouse...these were the first things that she spotted and "had to have" when she first stepped into the doors earlier that afternoon! And Jackie sweetly sold them to her for $2 when they had been priced at $3 or $4! Thanks again, Jackie! Macy thought she would use the stapler herself and save the computer mouse to give to Mimi for her birthday present (hope Mimi doesn't read this...or if she does, I hope she forgets!)

So the books that I purchased were:
  • Meet the Great Composers: Short Sessions on the Lives, Times and Music of the Great Composers by June Montgomery and Maurice Hinson (with CD!)

  • How to Use Child-Size Masterpieces for Art Appreciation by Aline D. Wolf (along with post card sized reproductions!)

  • The World of Plants by Debbie and Richard Lawrence (This book will be great for learning more about plants and also very helpful with our nature journals, for the book is filled with wonderful diagrams and sketches of the different parts of a plant!)

  • and last but not least...the lesson manual for Hillyer's A Child's History of the World. (We have the textbook, and before this afternoon, I didn't even know that a lesson manual or a workbook existed...woohoo!)

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