Saturday, July 12, 2008

Cow Appreciation Day at Chicka-flicka!

Where else can one walk into a restaurant dressed like a ...well, a cow...and be rewarded with an indulgent meal (fried in peanut oil, none the less!) for free?!?
Chicka-flicka, of course! Oooh, it's so good!

Once the girls awoke, I told them that it was "Cow Appreciation Day" at Chick-fil-A, and it was all over! Two of them were begging to go, so the 'younger two' immediately got dressed up in their cow-chic attire! And the eldest...well, we're entering that pre-teen stage where we'd like to do it, but we're not sure that we'll feel comfortable doing it!

Annie, of course, wanted to dress in her horse costume (we explained that wouldn't pass!), so she then brought me some cow-print pants and a plain white t-shirt which we drew some black spots on it with a black sharpie...that seemed to work well! And Tressie put on a cute Dalmatian outfit; and Macy and I cut out white spots to put onto our black t-shirts (which neither of us put on once we arrived at the restaurant!), and the girls and I went through our things to design us some fine cow-attire with some of Aunt May's and Aunt Carolyn's older jewelry! I thought we looked pretty good...very haute couture! Enough spots to pass, yet not too many to completely embarrass ourselves!
Yes, this is a day when the fine line gets blurred of "fashion before function"!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How in the world do you keep up with all the "fun things" to do?