Thursday, June 26, 2008

Summer means Vacation Bible School!

Oh, how much fun Vacation Bible School is! The girls absolutely love it, and I've had the nice opportunities to accomplish some errands, do some shopping, have coffee (or my new summer favorite, which is a Starbucks' Iced Caffè Mocha w/ soy! Thanks, RC and Kristin!) with friends, visit friends or even a shopping spree with my hubby! The first day I will admit that I was a little 'off my game' while I was out running errands alone...every time I would walk back to the car, I would naturally hit the 'unlock' button and then proceed to hit the button to open the sliding door for the girls....then I'd remember that they weren't with me! Habit, I guess! But I have really been surprised at how focused I have been while out running errands/shopping! Instead of going to Sams every other week to get this and that (which I forgot from the previous shopping trip), I think we're set for at least a month!

And in the evenings we've also had the fun of enjoying a second VBS with friends of ours from our 'other' church (as the girls call it). It was open to the community, so it was great to see old/new friends all come together for a nice evening of story-telling, good food, music and fun! Cricket-spittin', Peanut-butter Moonpies (yeah...they're new!), and all!

Of course, "it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt"...I mean, ill. We seem to be taking turns sharing a lovely little summer-time cold/allergy that's not enough to cause any alarm but enough to take the joy out of one's evening at a person at a time. Tressie's over it; Macy's in the midst of it; and (if I were a bettin' lady, then) I'd bet that Annie's about to come down with it! For yesterday when we were dropping Macy off at a swimming birthday party, Annie began to let her spirits sink when she began thinking three things:
  1. she wanted to go to the party as well
  2. she hasn't been able to gather enough snow to build a really big snowman, and....
  3. she fears that she'll never-ever have the opportunity to ride a real lion!
All in all, it's been an extremely busy yet enjoyable week...and it's not over yet! Eric and I (along with about ten other couples) are hosting some close friends' surprise 49th wedding anniversary! Congrats, Booie and Cici!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Annie, I have those fears also.